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Let's make it happen,


We firmly believe in the power of design to transform and create brands with purpose.

We accompany you throughout the entire process of taking an idea from concept to realization, developing a unique visual language that connects with your audience and differentiates you from the competition in a coherent and strategic way, based on a strong and clear value proposition.

Brands with soul!

Creemos firmemente en el poder del diseño para transformar y crear marcas con propósito. Te acompañamos en todo el proceso de llevar una idea desde el concepto hasta la materialización, desarrollando un lenguaje visual único, que conecte con tu público y te diferencie de la competencia de manera coherente y estrategista, a partir de una propuesta de valor fuerte y clara. proposition.

Logo folio

Logos & Marks

I have always been passionate about the brand and all the language that revolves around it; the brand not only sells, the brand seduces, excites, represents, inspires, obsesses, divides.






Aural is a network of Hearing Centers with more than 45 years of experience and presence in several countries in Europe and Latin America. Its commercial proposal is a synergy between its main product, WIDEX™ hearing aids, and the provision of professional and specialized services around the hearing needs of patients. Its business model has two commercial pillars: retail sales with its own points of sale and experience centers, and the wholesale distribution of Widex™ products and their complements.
A strategic communication applied to the different media and formats in which the brand is present, both commercially and corporately with its distributors, partners and most importantly its employees. This communication must represent the commercial and business ideals of the brand, always strictly connected to its visual identity.
We develop a communication appropriate to the market to which the brand is addressed with a very professional look that represents the commercial and business ideals of the brand, always strictly connected to its visual identity, the personality of the brand and the positioning achieved over the years, but in turn demonstrate a friendly and close speech for its users. all this, aligned with the brand language of your Widex™ product.


